
Circuit Board Business Cards

I had this neat idea to promote my blog site (that you are reading right now) as well as demonstrate some of the capabilities I have mastered to date.  I can't say the idea is all original, I was inspired by reading the instructables article here by an author known simply as 'Sponges'  located here

I guess could have fabricated it out of my house the way he did, but I have really taken a liking to eagle cad and batchPCB, and my design was going to be a bit more complex.  My project would have more LEDs as well as a more advanced microchip.  Unfortunately this has driven my cost up a little higher then his, but for the features I wanted to include, this was acceptable.  Also, I am also not yet familiar with the PIC family of microprocessors.  The purpose of this project was to hone my SMT soldering skills.  The first board I assembled wasn't too bad, but by my 3rd, I think i now have the technique pretty much mastered.  Here are some pictures of the boards in various phases of assembly.

Here is a video demo of one of these in action.

These boards were part of a small test run to mainly ensure I didn't have any design flaws. I have amended some of the text on the card, mainly changed the url to since I now have that domain. I am going to commission Gold Phoenix PCB Fab house to make up some of these with blue soldermask and white silkscreen. Also, stay tuned, in a few months I am going to unveil an alternate version of these with slightly different electronics on it. These will be a "Geek/Hacker" variant. I just finalized the design last night, I ordered a small run for test, and if they test out, I'll order a production run.

I need to clean up my source code a bit, but If there is any interest, I will publish all the source material time permitting.

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Reader Comments (1)

I am very enjoyed for this blog. Its an informative topic. It help me very much to solve some problems. Its opportunity are so fantastic and working style so speedy.

April 28, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterpcb prototype

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