Ghostbusters Proton Pack build.

This was a somewhat of a rushed build. I started it (and the uniform) about 3 weeks before a Halloween party that I wanted to wear it at. The pictured above is a photo of me from that party. I didn't document it in great detail because my focus and time was spent on getting the build done.
The pack itself was the anovos kit which I had preordered several years ago and it delivered last year and sat in a box for a year. A lot of great info about this kit build can be found on the youtube channel Bombastic Entertainment.
I upgraded quite a few items in the kit with genuine items (dale resistor, Clipper valves, metal id plates, etc. The kit itself was good and bad. Overall the casts were pretty good aesthetically, but as far as fit, they were terrible. No holes lined up, pretty much every step of the way required custom fabrication. I pretty much encountered a lot of the same issues as Bombastic.
Most of the ideas for the jumpsuit came from..
Here are some photos of the pack and build. (Click thumbnails for larger views)
Early work on the pack, trying to level everything out
Cyclotron lenses epoxied in with epoxy putty.
e-cig based smoke system (use toasted marshmallow scented non-nicotine vape juice)
A view inside the fan duct. A Computer fan cut down and sandwiched in, sealed with hot glue.
Preliminary wiring on the wand is complete (Had to do a lot of custom drilling to make this work)
View of the completed pack (pre-weathering)
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